72 beats per minute of every hour of every day...

The human heart, when working properly, never skips a beat and never takes a break.

It keeps a rhythm, on average, of 72 beats per minute of every hour of every day without action or awareness on the part of the human in whose body it dwells. We comprehend that our heart pumps blood to our brain, lungs, arms, legs and internal organs, but we don't have to move a muscle to make it happen. We should however, move the other muscles in our bodies to keep our heart strong and healthy. Let's explore the way the heart functions and why it is so important to strengthen the heart.

Think of the heart as an import/export facility and the circulatory system which carries the blood vessels as the method of transportation. If the circulatory system is not strong enough, varicose veins may appear.

The blood vessels are specifically carried by the arteries, capillaries and veins. Blood that has already been circulated out to the body returns to the right side of the heart through the veins. It passes from one chamber to another and then, through an artery, flows to the lungs where it is oxygenated.

Also, while in the lungs, the carbon dioxide that it picked up along the way is removed through exhalation.

The blood vessels return the blood from the lungs to the left side of the heart where it goes through two more chambers. Finally, from the left side of the heart the blood is pushed with great pressure through the arteries to the far reaches of the brain, fingers and toes and all points in between.

In a matter of seconds...

From the heart to the lungs and back is six seconds. From heart to toes and back is 16 seconds. In a healthy body this process takes place in a matter of seconds.This fast paced procedure requires a heart with strong muscular walls. The walls of the heart contract to push the blood out and relax to allow the blood to flow in. The sound of the heartbeat comes from the valves closing. A strong heart will maintain a regular rhythm with no expected problems. A weak heart will not be able to circulate the blood properly. As a result, oxygen and nutrients carried in the blood and necessary for the body to function may not be adequately distributed to all parts of the body.

The foods we eat contain six important nutrients: water, carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins and minerals, and the human body alters each these nutrients into elements to be used for energy and to control an assortment of bodily processes.

The amounts and kinds of foods we eat and the amount of exercise we get on a daily basis have a direct impact on our heart, blood pressure and circulation. It is vitally important for the heart to be strengthened through exercise and proper diet to avoid heart problems.

Aerobic exercise is listed as one of the best ways to improve the muscle strength and blood pressure of the heart. Walking, swimming and biking are among the many forms of aerobic exercises. They give your energy level a boost while improving circulation. When our energy levels are increased we don't become as easily tired or out of breath. Aerobic exercise helps lower the build-up of plaque (fatty deposits) in the arteries. If plaque is allowed to accumulate in the artery it will slow down the flow of blood to a dangerous level.

Aerobic exercise is characterized by the large muscles in the arms, legs and hips moving repetitively. The longer the duration of the movement, the deeper and faster a person breathes. This results in increased amount of oxygen in the blood. The heart beats faster. More blood is being pumped out to the muscles and back to the lungs. Consequently, more oxygen is being delivered to the muscles and more waste products are carried away. All of this leads to a heart that now works more efficiently. The heart rate actually decreases when the body is at rest resulting in less stress on the heart.

It's never too late!

It is never too late to begin an exercise program for the benefit of strengthening the heart and improving circulation, and it's important for our quality of life to know how to maintain a healthy heart. Most proponents of exercise say that 30 minutes of walking every day will work towards maintaining a strong and healthy heart. It is within each one of us to make choices to take care of our heart and our hearts will take care of us.